Cycle of Violence

From Dr. Michele Finneran-

“As of current, my proposal went through a peer review board through the academic publisher. The feedback I received was to develop and put in more information with the chapters that I submitted. Currently, I am in the process of doing this request.

In interviewing 20 domestic abuse survivors from the Broward county area, it was the most enlightening academic experience I had throughout my years of school. To ask important questions and to have survivors open up and share their stories of abuse was truly eye opening. It reinforced the fact that domestic violence does not exclude anyone. In addition, there are warnings or red flags such as controlling behaviors, financial abuse, using the children against, belittling and constantly critiquing, etc. These are just a few signs to look out in unhealthy relationships. If you want to learn more or if you are in a potentially unhealthy relationship, check out “The Cycle of Violence”. This cycle represents abuse, then the honeymoon phase (“ I’m sorry’s”, gift giving, etc,) and then cycling back to tension building where abuse will occur eventually as a part of this cyclical pattern. To leave this pattern, is the most dangerous part of the process and that is when an “escape plan” needs to be formulated. This is called a “Safety Plan”, that put the safety needs of women and children first without prior knowledge of the abuser. Another heightened abuse pattern, happens when women are pregnant. The attention is off the abuser, onto the unborn child and jealousy and rage kicks in for the abuser. This is also where the abuser can become more volatile in nature. In a future post, we will examine healthy relationships and how to have a healthy relationship vs. toxic abusive dynamics. If you feel you may need some help within your relationship and want some guidance and clarity, please contact Dr. Michele Finneran with Vecc and Associates to assist you!”

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